Thursday, February 6, 2014

Symbols and Knowledge

Image of the Adinkrahene

1.) This symbol, the Adinkrahene, comes from Adinkra Symbols which were created by the Ashanti of Ghana and the Gyaman of Cote d'Ivoire originating from West Africa. These symbols would be used in fabric, poetry and architecture. 

2.) This symbol is said to be the chief of the Adrinka Symbols, representing charisma, greatness, and leadership.

3.) This symbol is emotive, as it represents leading and greatness. With its meaning signifying the importance of leadership.

4.) This symbol is used very often within its culture, however its simplicity may cause outsiders to not understand its importance in culture, especially since it is recently being used for tourism, speeding the use but not the meaning.


 Image of the Sun

This symbol being based off of a circle and having a simplistic geometric pattern resembles the Adrinkrahene. However this comes from the astronomical symbols and represents the sun. Although each relates to greatness, as the Adrinkahene specifically represents greatness and the sun can be considered the greatest object in our solar system due to its mass.